Democracy was created as an idea of the rule of the people in ancient Greece. After centuries of oppression, people felt their opinions should be valued and taken into consideration. Democracy was "perfect" in theory, but even the ancient Greeks had trouble executing it in reality... that challenge rises again today.
Restrictions of speech, choice and freedom, bribery, blackmail, and many more problems are corrupting our society and impacting our quality of life. But unlike in ancient times, there are people fighting against the system and working on bettering our communities. We find ourselves as such a group of people. Here in Šabac, Serbia groups from three different countries have gathered to discuss this topic (Italy, Germany and Serbia).
After getting to know each other, learning about each other's culture and getting used to working in groups, we’ve come to compare the states of democracy in our countries and were shocked to discover the differences and similarities. There are quite a few good examples, but many more bad ones that we can relate to. The current mindset of most people in power goes against the norms of democracy as they are driven by materialistic desires. We uphold dictatorship, mask it behind plutocracy and call it democracy.
Our goal for this project is to raise awareness amongst people from our surroundings, to get them to talk about the topic, and to get them motivated to make small changes. Be the change you want to see in the world.
written by
Lilly Sieber, Aurora Ragone, Gianluca Tucci,
Annalisa Sanrocco, Maria Radosavljević and Ivanka Aleksić